Penguin Transport Aquarium Car
Manufactured By: Lionel
Model Number: 6-26820
Road Name: LIONEL
Notes: Since the old 3435 aquarium cars are pretty expensive to get, I picked up this 2005 version. It's really a well made and beautiful car to have. The way that this car operates is so neat. Basically, you have clear windows on the outside, and on the inside there is a long piece of plastic with pictures of fish (or penguins in this case) on it. When electricity hits the car, little motors inside slowly roll the plastic film by and it gives the appearance that the fish/penguins are swimming around inside the car. This car is a perfect example of why I think that the postwar engineering by Lionel was so darn clever. They had to figure out ways to do it all "analog", with no help from computers or microchips or any of that stuff we take for granted now.




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