Union Pacific 70' "Portland Rose" Coach Car (2009 Dealer Appreciation Program)
Manufactured By: MTH
Model Number: 20-65147
Road Name: UP
Notes: This was my first modern passenger set in my collection. From MTH's 2009 Dealer Appreciation Program, these cars are meant to be run with the UP DDA40X diesel engine above (which was also part of the 2009 DAP). The five cars that come with this set are: #5779 Promontory (baggage), #5473 Portland Ros (coach), #5480 Sunshine Special (coach), #5011 City of Denver (diner), #203 Idaho (observation). A very nice set. Added to my collection in March of 2010




This page last updated: January 16th, 2023      Contact me at:  eric@ericstrains.com

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